

Produce technological calculations for selection coalescing filter elements.

Select coalescers for technological processes in the production of natural gas, with the gas supply through pipelines in the production of synthetic gas from coal and shale, gas processing, and transportation nodes in gas metering.

Design coalescers by type:

  • gas / liquid;
  • liquid / liquid.

Select analogs internal components for existing installations.

Produce coalescers with a complete «turn-key».


Coalescer gas/liquid
Coalescer gas/liquid

We produce justification and selection process.

We develop the detailed technological scheme including requirements for automation.

Carries out the valves and instrumentation.

Coalescer liquid/liquid
Coalescer liquid/liquid

We produce variety of designs.

Ongoing technological calculation.

Develop documentation in the amount of the technical design of equipment.

Oil separator
Oil separator

The oil separator separates oil mixed with the compressed gas, and returns it to the sump or crankcase of the compressor, thus allowing effective lubrication of moving parts.