Tube Heat Exchangers with fixed tubesheets and with expansion joint in the shell
Devices are designed for heating and cooling of liquids and gases in
processes refining, petrochemical, chemical and gas industries.
Manufactured in accordance with
ТS 3612-024-00220302-01.
Heat exchangers are divided:
- intended — heat exchangers, refrigerators, condensers, evaporators;
- on a design — devices with fixed tube sheets (type N), with the temperature compensator on the shell (type K);
- at location — horizontal (H), vertical (V);
In devices pipes with smooth walls are applied.
Devices can be used in a macro-regions with temperate and tropical climates. Climatic modification «U» и «Т», category of a product 1 according to GOST 15150. Seismicity areas that can accommodate devices, should be inclusive to 7 points on a 12-point scale.
Depending on the temperature limits for use of the machine are made in the following versions:
- N — low temperature from -30 up to +100°С;
- N1 — low temperature from -40 up to +100°С;
- N2 — low temperature from -60 up to +100°С;
- N3 — low temperature from -70 up to +100°С;
- О — normal from -20 up to +100°С;
- S — medium from -20 up to +200°С;
- V — high temperature from -20 up to +300°С;
- V1 — high temperature from -20 up to +350°С.
Heat exchange surface, m² | 1,0 - 970 |
Diameter, mm | from 159 up to 1400 |
Pressure nominal, MPa | from 0,6 up to 4,0 |
Length of pipes, mm | 1000 – 9000 |
Diameter of pipes, mm | 25х2, 20х2 |
Example of designation:
The heat exchanger (T) with fixed tube sheets (N), the case having a diameter of 600 mm, a gorizontal (G), for nominal pressure in the casing pipes to 1.6 MPa, material execution М1,
performance of «O» on the temperature limit, with smooth heat exchange tubes (G) diameter 25 mm and length 6 m,
2-way on the tube space, climatic version (U), with parts for fixing insulation (I), group 4:
Heat exchanger 600ТNG-1,6-М1-0/25G-6-2-U-I group 4 TS 3612-024-00220302-02
The heat exchanger (T) with the temperature compensator to the casing (K), the case having a diameter of 600 mm, a vertical (V), at nominal pressure of 1.6 MPa, the material M1 execution, execution of «O» at the temperature limit, with smooth heat exchange pipes (T ) with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 8 m, 2-way on the tube space, climatic modification (T), with no details for fixing insulation, group 4:
Heat exchanger 600TKV-1,6-M1-0/25G-6-2-T group 4 TS 3612-024-00220302-02
Evaporator (I) with fixed tubesheets (N), with a diameter of casing 600
mm, version 1, conditional on the pressure in the pipes of 1.0 MPa to 1.6 MPa in the case, financial performance M1 execution «B» on the temperature limit, with smooth heat exchange tubes with a diameter of 25 mm and a length of 4 m, climatic modification (U), with parts for fixing insulation (I), group 3:
Evaporator 600 IN-1-1,0-1,6-M1-B/25G-4-U-I group 3 TS 3612-024-00220302-02.